Brand Value Case Study
Developing the Brand's Value
In the development of the Walnut Advisory brand, the value and differentiators needed to be identified, built, and established to set this provider of comprehensive insurance products and underwriting services apart from the competition. After gaining a comprehensive understanding of the business, offerings, industry, and clients served, multiple elements of value were identified and developed, starting with the development of a comprehensive value-driven architecture applied to the company's products and offerings, and as part of the value equation. Their experience, solution provided, and backgrounds were also factored into the development of the brand and the deep value structure.
Prior to the redevelopment of the brand, there was no structure to the six products and offerings, leaving out a potential essential element of value that was identified and developed as a differentiator, core brand element once a structure for the offerings was developed.
Within the developed value-driven structuring of the products, the company products were developed as programs, and the product that offers the programs developed as brands, with the brands now representing programs tailored to geographical insurance markets in the northeast, southern, and western insurance markets of the United States., And with the value proposition and differentiators now communicating that the brands are tailored to clients, laws, industry regulations and most importantly the needs of clients within those markets. This deep value structure ensured the company's offering were unique and solved needs, a unique factor that provides Walnut Advisory with a competitive advantage and set the company apart.
The structure was fluid and flexible, as in addition to the programs tailored to geographic regions through the brands, the programs were also available through the company, providing flexibility in communications.
“An essential element of the brand's value, the architecture and structuring of products was reflected in the writing, creative, presentation, content, the structure of the website, and the structure of the platforms within the online infrastructure.”
This deep value structure, when applied to the development of the creative, the messaging, and the writing enabled essential words and statements to be interchanged to showcase the value of the programs, the brands and the overall brand, to highlight the differentiators and value that set the company apart from competitors, providing a huge competitive advantage.
When the applied to content development within the website, the deep brand architecture and deep content structured allowed the brand's value and differentiators to be showcased, and the ability to create a deep structuring of content resulted in eventual high search engine position and high online visibility. Because the website was added-to and content was built-on, the site maintained it's top positioning for years.
Scroll down to view the project and the creative. To read about the
Walnut Advisory logo redesign click here. To read about the
development of the product architecture that helped build the brand, click here.
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Summary Brand Value
Going forward, this flexible architecture not only enabled products to be added to each of the product suites (company brands), but the company overall, with the addition of products strengthening the value and extending the brand.
Next Case Study: Product architecture
See how the brand value was applied to the development of a product architecture that was both part-of the value equation and helped build-on that developed brand value.
Read the Case Study
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