Identity Redesign Case Study
Incorporating Brand Equity
As part of the development of the brand, and the design of the identity system and corporate image, the company logo was redesigned. Because the logo was in use for 41 years, and was the only consistent representation of the company, the mark had established brand equity. The redesign of the Walnut Advisory logo incorporated the visual equity in order to carry forward the 41 years of visual equity, and ensure there was a connection within the new brand and company image.
Because there was no consistency in the company image, marketing materials, or communications where the company was represented, a completely new logo within a new company image would have created disconnect between the audience and business. As part of the logo design approach to carry forward the equity, the new logo mark incorporates the original holding shape and typeface into the new mark, and at first glance it looks like the original mark. This approach ensured there was no disconnect.
Within the design approach, instead of the letters stacked and as two separate elements, the company initials are on the same plane and are now a single visual element, to convey that the company and what the company provides are one and the same. This also served as a visual representation of the new business messaging and identity system within the brand development. The decision to incorporate the visual equity of the original mark enabled the 41 years of equity to be carried forward and build on with every usage of the mark.
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developed the brand value for Walnut Advisory, click here. To learn how
that brand value was also created through the architecture of the products, click here. To read the case study on
how we developed the brand and corporate image, click here. To go back to the original page with the listing of the case studies
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Building on 41 Years of Equity
To ensure there was flexibility in the usage of the logo, the mark was developed into multiple versions to ensure it worked within all creative and anchors the brand. A full identity system was developed and included the secondary and alternate versions of the logo, icons, lockups, typography and color palette. To work with the deep value business brand that structured the business and offerings, a visual architecture for the identity system was developed to define usage for the visual elements, and ensure they have purpose and reason, and accomplish business goals.
As part of the redevelopment of the brand, identity system, and corporate image, the goal of the redesign was to carry forward the 41 years of visual equity established by the original logo. Because there was no consistency in marketing or communications where the company was represented, a completely new logo and company image would have been disconnect between the audience and business.
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Summary Walnut Advisory
In a competitive industry and market saturated with accomplished competitors, the goal was to create a logo that would stand out and would be remembered. To reflect and visualize their approach to solving the complex through simplicity, the logo design and the identity system relies on minimal visual elements to convey their approach. The elements of the logo were applied to the secondary identity and the identity system, with the use of color functioning as an essential element in the identity system.
Next Case Study: Developing the brand value
See how the value and diferentiators were identified, built, and established to set this provider of comprehensive insurance products and underwriting services apart from those they compete with.
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