Products Architecture Case Study
Value Through Architecture
Originally as loose products used without rhyme or reason prior to the rebranding, Select Group, Old South, and Western Prairie were presented as individual companies offering the company's products. In the development of the Walnut Advisory brand, the Select Group, Old South, and Western Prairie brands were now developed as individual brands offering the three company programs, but now tailored to the geographic insurance market served by the brands. This structuring of the programs and brands functioned as key elements of the Walnut Advisory brand value and differentiators, with the company offerings now truly tailored to the needs of clients.
Within this new structure, the company programs of The Apartment & Condo Program, The Hotel & Motel Program, and The Lawyer Liability Program were now tailored to the northeast, southern, and western insurance markets by the three company brands of The Select Group, Old South, and Western Prairie Brands. This enabled us to create a true differentiator and strong value proposition not found anywhere else, especially not with the competition.
Although the products were available to brokers, business owners, and clients as individual products, the knowledge of the insurance market, laws, regulations, and needs of the clients were tailored by the product offerings in those areas by the specific brand, positioning the Walnut Advisory as an expert in that insurance market.
This positioning and structure of the products was applied to the development of the messaging and writing, website architecture, and online infrastructure, with this structure incorporated into the writing, deepening the value, and building richer content.
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Summary Product Architecture
In addition to the solutions, experience, skills, and background of the company in the development of the brand value, the rebranding of the products that included the structuring was essential in the development of the differentiators and value of the Walnut Advisory brand. Because these were essential ingredients of the brand, they were developed as graphic elements that serve a purpose in the identity system, calling attention to the differentiators and competitive advantage of Walnut Advisory.
Next Case Study: Image and message
See how the value-driven brand architecture and product structure were applied to the development of the identity system, messaging, and company image.
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