Website Build On and Evolve Case Study
Dominant Online Presence
Behind the ten-plus #1 overall, top three, nine of ten first page search engine positioning and results were the consistent website updates and additions, applied from a comprehensive strategy and execution of that strategy.
To convey the value of the Walnut Advisory brand in the website, the architecture of the website was essential. The structure of content, sections, and pages would become essential factors in the resulting dominant search engine position.
Learn about building the Architecture.
In addition to the architecture, structure of content, and brand value reflected in the website, maintaining and building-on the website was essential to the high search engine position. On a consistent basis the website and the content within the online ecosystem were consistently maintained, with existing writing refreshed and added-to with new content to build-on the brand value. New pages that deepened the brand value and the value of products were added to the site in specific sections. This approach to website maintenance helps search engines appreciate the value of the website, resulting in higher position and greater visibility.
In addition to content added to the existing pages of the website, new pages, new content, and new sections were added, with content that corresponds with theå additions then added to existing pages. This approach expands the website and further deepens the online ecosystem.
As part of the online strategy to strengthen the presence, mini-sites and pages were developed for subject matter that conveyed the brand value, product value, and differentiators, with these pages and sites added to the website. To reflect these additions, corresponding content was added to existing pages of the site to ensure the content worked with existing pages. This approach further deepened the brand value, strengthened the online presence, and increased search engine visibility.
A New Brand and New Products
As new products were added to the company offerings as both standalone brands and within the company brand, sections, pages and mini-sites were added to the website, with updates to existing pages and content that worked with the new content.
View the addition of New Products Case Study
In addition to the development of new pages and sections of the website created for the new products, content was developed within existing pages and existing content. This approach further deepened the site and strengthened brand value, and increased search engine positioning. Online and social media content was developed to communicate these updates and drive traffic into these pages.
Individual Product Websites
Corresponding with advertising campaigns to market the products, individual websites were developed for each of the products. Reflecting and incorporating the overall brand and the architecture of the products within the company brand, these individual product websites strengthened the company's online presence. With the brand architecture and structure incorporated into these websites, the developed structure enabled these websites to work as both individuals and work together as one, further strengthening the high search engine position.
Read the Individual Product Websites Case Study.
To ensure these three sites weren't penalized by Google for repetitive or duplicate content, each product site focused on a specific element of the product and the overall company brand, the products as a whole, and the geographic area served by the products, with the writing, content, and structure of the site anchored by the brand's value proposition. This approach to developing the website architecture and content was applied to the overall online architecture of all of the websites, with the results further strengthening the already high search engine position. These successes were a result of a comprehensive architecture that enabled each website to work as individuals and as a whole within the online ecosystem.
Within the development of the individual product websites prior to the launch,
corresponding content was added to the primary website to ensure all sites worked together as one, building off each other and deepening the content within the online ecosystem.
Updates and Maintenance
In addition to the primary website, the three product websites were maintained, updated, and added-to on a consistent basis, with new pages and new content added to further strengthen the presence and deepen the value of the brand.
Learn more about the approach to strengthening the presence and keeping the websites fresh.
Further Deepening the Ecosystem
The company CEO had requested the development of a personal brand which presented us with another opportunity to further strengthen the online visibility. Within the development of the brand, the logo was created from the company logo (
Read about brand equity), and the look and feel developed from the company image, tying the company and the personal brand. The developed look and feel was applied to the design and development of individual websites, with the writing carried forward to build on the brand's content and brand messaging. The content and structure of each personal website was based on the brand's architecture, product architecture, geographic areas served by each individual product, and the suite of products as a whole. This approach had been applied in the three product websites, ensuring these efforts further strengthened the overall ecosystem of the company.
Read the Personal Brand Case Study.
As with the other websites within the ecosystem, these personal websites were maintained on a consistent basis to ensure search engines see the activity. Because the websites is developed to be added to from the start, additional content, pages, sections, and additional websites fit within the online ecosystem with ease. This is a fluid and flexible approach, content, pages, or additional websites fit within the infrastructure with ease. This approach ensures greater online visibility, and is the foundation for higher search engine position.
Summary Maintaining the Presence
The online visibility, strong online presence, and dominant search engine positioning resulted from hard work and consistent efforts, with the principles of a site developed with a strong foundation and optimized for online visibility.
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