Identity, Message & Company Image Case Study
Identity & the Company Image
Incorporating the value-driven brand architecture and structure of offerings into the purpose and the approach, the development of the identity system and company image included the logo redesign, secondary versions of the logo, suite of icons, color palette, typography palette, graphic lockups and the design of layouts. Developed to represent the company programs and brands, the icons were used to visually convey the structure of offerings and represent the brand value, and work with the messaging in the creative to showcase the brand value.
Because the programs and brands of Walnut were conveyed as elements-of Walnut, or parts of the whole, the creative approach and design of the icons played an homage to the periodic table of elements. In addition to the elements-of aspect, typography was the design approach, and the icons visually complimented and added-to the logo. The icons were a signature visual element in the layouts, tying all creative together, and providing reason and purpose. The application of the color palette as a design element within the layouts served as a visual anchor in the creative, and in addition to the icons and design elements, the color anchored all creative together.
Based on the deep value structure, proposition, and differentiators, the brand messaging was incorporated into the copywriting, and developed for the overall, each program, the programs as a whole, each brand, and brands as a whole, with statements, phrases, headlines, calls-to-actions, and taglines all working together in a value-driven-formula that was created from the structure and architecture.
Elements of the messaging and writing were applied to typographical design elements that calls attention to essential elements of the brand, using a typographical design approach to call attention-to specific statements that needed to stand out. This approach also helped create organization and a visual structure, and resulted in essential components within the layouts and company image.
With a photograph chosen to represent the company, creative was developed for the company look and feel, using typography and the icons to convey the value and differentiators, and provide visual organization for the creative developed for the company offerings. The layouts for the company image incorporated the identity system, brand message, design elements, and the copywriting. Applying the established company image and branded look, creative was developed for each company program, the programs as a whole, each company brand, and the brands as whole, using the established elements to create structure and set each apart. The flexibility established in the architecture of the offerings and the brand enabled the creative and marketing for the company brands to be interchangeable with markets served, and represent the northeast, southern, and western markets.
To launch the new brand, marketing materials were developed, and included offline, online, and social media components. A brand style guide ensured all efforts were within brand, defining usage and application of all elements of the brand and the creative, ensuring all efforts stay true to the brand.
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the development of the product architecture to help build the brand, click here. To read about
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Building on 41 Years of Equity
The identity system design was centered around the redesign of the logo which incorporated the 41 years of equity, an element too valuable to neglect. The equity was even more important because it was the only consistent representation of the company, and losing that equity would have been a disconnect. The new logo incorporates the concept and feel of the original logo, with the typeface and holding shape, with the initials now on an even plane to convey the offerings and company are one on the same and the offerings are an element of the company, further conveyed through the design approach used to create the graphics of the identity system.
Over a five year plus period, in addition to the layouts, the design elements and messaging within the creative were continually evolved, keeping the brand fresh while staying true to the brand as defined in the style guide. The use of typography was designed into visual elements to call attention to the brand message, and as the brand evolved, the typographical design elements were added to and built on, becoming more prominent as time passed, and marketing efforts continued. Colors were added to the existing palette, with colors working to visually anchor layouts and developed creative.
Summary Walnut Advisory
The architecture of the brand was created to communicate the deep value structure and the structuring of the offerings, enhanced by the elements of the identity system, graphics, and the design approach, with typography not only immediately calling attention to the brand's value, but helping to visually organize the creative.
Next Case Study: Website development
See how the value-driven brand, structure of products, image, message, and value proposition was applied to the development of the company website.
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