In addition to the design itself, the development of a logo includes choosing the colors and developing a color palette, and choosing the typography and building the typography palette. With the design, style, tone, and feel of the logo illustrating the client’s business, offerings, value, and differentiators.
The process, design, and development of a logo also includes establishing the usage of the logo, how it be represented on all mediums and platforms, and how the logo works in all sizes, both small and large, wide and tall. The scenarios that will dictate the approach include the scope of work needed and project limits; These include project types, such as only the design of the logo, the development of a business identity system, or a complete visual brand and business image.
When designing a logo here are some really important things to consider:
The quality and composition of the logo is more important than the logo being able to be responsive, which can be achieved through developing an identity system.
Typography is essential to the design, and the desired feel of the logo.
The use of space is an element of logo design. As part of the composition, in the presence a logo can establish, and how the logo is used.
The use of color is a design element, in both the design of the logo, and the usage of the logo in materials and platforms.
The logo design process also includes ensuring the logo can be responsive, either through the design of the logo, developing a secondary version of the logo, or the development of an identity system.
Read More: Types of Logos / Elements of a Logo / Responsive Logo Design / Identity System Design / Logo Redesign / Typographic Logos / Icons & Graphic Elements / Secondary Logos / # View Portfolio