block case study types of logos
Adam Garlinger / Logo Design

The Types of Logos

By Adam Garlinger

Representing a business or brand, the various types of logos include a trademark or graphical logo, typographic logo, namemark, typemark, lettermark, and monogram. However, a logo that best achieves the business goal is the end result of the design and the design process, to best represent the business in a singular visual element. Starting from the concept to the sketches to the execution, the type of logo is secondary to the design itself.

Whether it is a single logo, a business identity, a comprehensive identity system, or visual brand and business image, the proper development of a logo includes the strategy, concept and idea phase, the design and execution, and the finalization.

Read More: Elements of a Logo / Responsive Logo Design / Identity System Design / Logo Redesign / Planning a Logo Design / Typographic Logos / Icons & Graphic Elements / Secondary Logos / # View Portfolio

type of logos elements of a logo type of logos type of logos type of logos type of logos type of logos type of logos type of logos
responsive logo design
identity system design
logo redesign
planning logo design
typographic logos
icons and graphics
secondary logos
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